
Season 14 diablo 3 necromancer highest damage build
Season 14 diablo 3 necromancer highest damage build

I've looked online and get a little overwhelmed by all of the acronyms and initialisms and I am also really unfamiliar with any playstyle different from the build I've been using (which I really like!). The long and short of it is that you use the set bonus of Gift of Inarius to create a field around you that amplifies damage, then combine a bunch of other skills and items for big damage. I am thoroughly enjoying the game but I am the biggest of noobs when it comes to this stuff. What do I have to do as a Necromancer to progress solo? Are there any builds that I should use instead of the build I'm using now? Why aren't I doing any damage (most of my gear is the best that I have, a few of them being Ancient)? How long should Greater Rifts take when you're trying to progress? I am currently doing Bounties on Torment 10, should I just jump up to Torment 16 and farm there instead? I was struggling just to keep pace, let alone do any damage to the mobs. Home / Diablo 3 / Necromancer / Builds / Rathma Army of the Dead Necromancer / Greater Rift Speed Farming. The other day, I queued for a quick match and paired with someone who was Paragon Level 470 and they fucking wrecked a Level 72 Greater Rift in under 5 minutes, despite the increase in monster health due to us being in a group of 2. I have progressed up to Greater Rift Level 56 by myself. I play solo and have been struggling to complete Greater Rifts in under 10 minutes.

season 14 diablo 3 necromancer highest damage build

I was using Bane of the Trapped and Enforcer before, but I found myself dying over and over again due to the Health costs associated with the build I was using.

season 14 diablo 3 necromancer highest damage build

For gems, I'm using Molten Wildebeest's Gizzard and Moratorium. Once I hit 70 and had finished the campaign, I followed this build from IcyVeins. I got my Necromancer up to Level 70 and am now sitting at Paragon Level 370ish.

season 14 diablo 3 necromancer highest damage build

I am relatively new to the game, having bought it for the Switch a month ago.

Season 14 diablo 3 necromancer highest damage build